Consistently is an Excursion Familiarizing myself with the mushrooms
A considerable lot of you realize that I did a second directed mushroom trip last week, looking for a more profound experience with death, and needing to figure out how to deliver my connection to all I love about existence. A difficult task to request from a measly mushroom. I utilized an alternate aide this time. All things considered, it was two individuals, a couple, the two performers. Before they came, they requested that I record my expectations. I composed: I need to figure out how to disengage from all that I love about existence and to deliver any apprehension I have of death. The couple carried with them brilliant dishes, drums, tuning forks, and a monster gong whose sound from a solitary beat could move an individual into the stratosphere. They changed my room with purple curtains and votives. Before we started, they showed me the mushrooms they would make into a tea which Paul would infuse into my taking care of cylinder. They were lovely: contorte...